Chemistry: An Introduction to General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry 13th Edition, authored by Karen C. Timberlake, is a comprehensive resource tailored for one-semester programs focusing on allied health. This textbook is designed to engage readers with no prior chemistry knowledge and establish connections between chemistry, health, and the environment. With a friendly presentation style, Timberlake highlights the relevance of chemistry through real-world examples and applications in health and environmental careers.
Key Features of the 13th Edition:
– Emphasis on relevance: New applications integrated into questions and problem sets to highlight the material’s significance.
– Clinical focus: Updated chapter openers and stories to help readers make informed decisions about health and environmental issues.
– Problem-solving tools: Introduction of new tools like Strive it First and Connect to encourage critical thinking and best practices in problem-solving.
Throughout the text, readers are guided to develop problem-solving skills, visualize concepts through engaging figures, sample problems, and concept maps. The goal is to provide a better learning experience by demonstrating the role of chemistry in various aspects of life.
ISBN Details:
– ISBN-10: 0134421353
– ISBN-13: 978-0134421353
Whether you are a student, educator, or professional in the field, Chemistry: An Introduction to General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry 13th Edition offers a comprehensive and insightful exploration of chemistry and its practical applications in allied health.
## FAQ
### 1. Who is the author of Chemistry: An Introduction to General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry 13th Edition?
– The book is authored by Karen C. Timberlake.
### 2. What is the focus of the textbook?
– The textbook focuses on establishing connections between chemistry, health, and the environment with real-world examples and applications.
### 3. Are there problem-solving tools included in the 13th Edition?
– Yes, the 13th Edition introduces problem-solving tools like Strive it First and Connect to encourage critical thinking.
In conclusion, Chemistry: An Introduction to General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry 13th Edition by Karen C. Timberlake is a valuable resource for individuals interested in understanding the fundamentals of chemistry and its implications in allied health. With its engaging approach, practical examples, and emphasis on relevance, this textbook provides a solid foundation for students and professionals seeking to explore the intricate connections between chemistry, health, and the environment.
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